Saturday, August 3, 2013

Moving On

Today is the second anniversary of losing my beloved father. I haven't cried (yet) and seem to be thinking of the good things in life, instead. I have a photo of him that I look at fondly and am trying to imagine he would be proud of where I am in my life today. I know he supported me in following Speech Language Pathology and it gives me strength to work in a field that he believed I would do well in. I can still picture his face, with the crooked smile and nod he gave me when I asked, "Do you think I'd be a good speech pathologist?" (okay, I teared up writing that.) Not a day goes by when I don't wish it was just a long, bad dream and that I can call him and hear his voice again. But I stopped believing this was possible awhile ago. Grief is hard but at least I had someone so wonderful to raise me for the (albeit too brief) time that I did. I wouldn't trade that for anything, no matter how much it hurts.

In that spirit, I'm going to continue to try to improve things in our lives and remember the really good stuff. I will move forward because, well, that's really the only option.

As I will undoubtedly continue to mention, school is approaching quickly for the both of us. I can't believe it's August already! On Friday we got to see the family at the joyous occasion of our cousin's wedding. They looked so happy to finally be married and we're excited for our family to grow! Congrats M&M!

As the countdown to school begins (the 28th for me; 19th for him) I want to use my time wisely. Suddenly my days are going to begin early in the morning again and I do not want to be caught unawares! I am, in truth, excited to get back to an early morning routine. Maybe the almost ten years of working in a coffee shop have made me into a morning person. But, maybe a camping trip would help me get back to it (*nudges husband*)

So, in my overly nerdy way I've made a list of ways I want to change my routines for the healthier. New Year's resolutions are for the birds; Autumn resolutions are where it's at! A lot of these will help my Day Zero Project, too!

1. Start the Day Off Right
Begin every morning in the (newly organized) office reading the news in a quiet and relaxing way. I like to use FlipBoard as my news aggregate. Right now I read it on my phone but I'm giving great consideration to getting an iPad for school and that would work very well for news catchup as well. This also gives James a chance to have his morning routine downstairs — everybody needs personal time and first thing in the morning is a great slice. 

2. First Breakfast
Have a banana for breakfast (I'm never hungry first thing but the energy boost and nutritional value cannot be beat! I'd like to get James on this as well. Before my coffee I'd like to make sure I drink at least 12 ounces of water. My handy Nalgene bottle is great for that; I keep it bedside and can take a slog before even leaving the sheets. 

3. Planned Outfit 
I'm not really a clotheshorse. I wore boys clothes half the time as a kid (and an adult). I wear a regular combination of jeans and vneck tee shirt most days of the week. But running around to find said setup can still be annoying and needlessly stressful. I need to cull the herd of clothing I no longer wear and this will be all the easier. I'm not sure I need to have week's worth of clothes ready on say, Sunday, but the night before is something I can manage. 

4. Last Call
No alcohol after 10 pm. This isn't really going to be difficult for me anymore, a year ago sure, but these days I have a cider or two every few days and I'm beat by 8:30. Welcome to being old. Or not a heavy drinker (totally okay with me.)

5. Bedtime Routine
After 10pm it's nothing but water and a cup of herbal tea before bed. James has his own routine of "Goodnight Milk" (I know, adorbs.) I want to make sure my butt is in the bed by 11 at the latest. I'm also going to limit the reading I do in there. I can get taken away by the book and find myself wondering how 3am snuck up on me. Right now I am rereading The Lord of the Rings which has been wonderful. I also got a cheap copy of a Jane Austen omnibus to keep by the bedside. Familiar and cozy reading is just what I need.

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