Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wardrobe Vikings

We have this hilarious little room in the middle of our second floor. It would be, as our first landlord put it, perfect for a nursery because it is so small. It would be a terrible nursery or children's room, in reality, because there's no natural light in there. I mean, there is a window, but it is to a vent and cannot be opened anyway, because the awesome painters hired by the leasing company painted it shut. Please remember what makes all of the bad repairs in this place extra amusing is that this house was built for contractors to stay in on long jobs here in Charm City. The company is based in New Jersey and it was cheaper  to buy a property and allow guys to stay in it than a hotel room and restaurant expenses. But anyway...

Our solution was to turn it into a walk-in closet/dressing room. James dresses well for work which, pro-tip, usually correlates to easier classroom management. I, on the other hand, wear jeans and t-shirts ninety-nine percent of the time. I dress up for weddings and that's about it.

Or at least that is how it used to be. I've noticed "a change [in] the way I strut my stuff" to borrow a phrase from the Anne Margaret tune. (Man that song is awful/awesome. It's a little too misogynistic but I also love it, so who knows?)

I find myself not wearing ripped up t-shirts ass often, and actually trying to understand what is/not fashionable. I mean, I'm not going crazy and reading Vogue or anything but I'm looking around. I wear makeup on a regular basis these days. I had my eyebrows waxed (great experience!) I bought new shoes twice in a month that weren't tenny runners. No one is more amazed than I.

However, before I can claim that "my old habits are gonna be gone" (tell me that song isn't stuck in your head, now, too) that means I need to cull the large amount of ill-fitting clothing I've been harboring for 10-15 years. Thank god no one caught this before "What Not To Wear" went off the air. I think the only show I would have actually gone on would be the short-lived "Tim Gunn's Guide to Style" since he's awesome and really taught people the difference between their errors and their style.

So, why am I airing all this dirty laundry? Because I'm cleaning out my closet (Too many idioms!) and re-organizing the room and my collection. This, because I'm me, requires drawing up plans, culling the herd, and donating what is not ripped-up or gross. I have a lot of clothes that were James' that shrunk in the dryer. They would fit a guy just fine but make me look awful. I'm such a cheapsKate.  

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