Saturday, April 28, 2012


We finally heard from the landlord on Thursday night after spending an anxious afternoon wondering why we hadn't heard. In all honesty, I was the anxious party while James tried to reassure me (pretty commonplace with us, really). Turns out there was an emergency up in New Jersey where he is from but we are totally approved and will be moved in June 1st! What a relief! I took a photo of our front (though I really wanted to go inside and start measuring!).

Obviously the front garden area is going to need some care and a few swings of the weed-whacker. I also noticed that there in a pattern in the concrete on the front porch that mimics the inlay of the hardwood floors in the front two rooms. I'm sure no one else will notice or care but it makes me really happy to know they match!

As we walked away we saw one of our friends and (yay) soon-to-be new neighbors. He filled us in a bit on some of the other neighbors and everyone sounds very pleasant. There was a band practicing a few doors down which is no problem for me, they sounded pretty good and it's so much better than my current next door neighbor. He blasts everything from Journey to television (not the band, sadly, that would be awesome) at all hours of the day and night. 

Speaking of staying up all hours, I'm now in the phase of having difficulty falling asleep for all of the ideas swimming through my head. The space is smaller so it's going to involve some trickery. The new kitchen is, unfortunately, not nearly as nice as the one we have now but I like a challenge!  

Now I'm off to design little "We're moving" cards to drop in the thank-you notes for the wedding which I am still slogging through. Unfortunately this is a Kate only job as the hubs will fully and freely admit that he's "pretty crap". But that's what this wife is for, har har.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An Unexpected Party

Today is indeed, my birthday, and I am now 27. Because there is so much going in with my retiring from the cafe, moving, and still catching up with post-wedding stuff we decided to throw the party in early May. Poor hubs doesn't get his until summer, though.

Anywho, I thought today would be a bit of a downer since this is the first birthday without Dad. And, admittedly I had a good cry when I realized no call, text, or Facebook message would come through with his warm face connected to it. (Ooh, caution: falling tears possibility here). Instead though, I found a lovely birthday greeting from a friend who lost his father recently. He advised me to celebrate the new and remember the good times with Dad. So, I have been using that as a mantra today. Thanks be to good nerds, they always have my back.

And, speaking of good nerd news... one of my dailies, (or TORN) sent out a "This Day in Middle Earth" email for April 26. Before I go any further, I have to say that I am shocked, just plain shocked, that I never knew this before today. 27 years of my life spent in total darkness of this awesome fact.

Apparently, April 26th is the day of the Unexpected Party! The citation is for a book called The Atlas of Middle Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad. I didn't have time before leaving work to check if it's in my library or not. (Another reason to carefully catalog all of my books when we move!)

We are signing our lease tonight, hopefully, and I can't help but realize that I am moving a block away from so many friends who appreciate the nerdy side of life. I do not expect them to show up at our Bag End, though. 

Plus, my Hobbit Party isn't for a few more years (six, to be exact, when I turn 33)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Home, New Host

After some thought I've decided that this will be a better spot (pardon the pun) for DNS. I still love Tumblr and will keep my account there, but with the impending new house and all the fun projects this summer I decided to be an opportunist. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I bit the bullet

I’m reading The Hunger Games. Now I can make fun of it (or not) based on an actual opinion and not just hearsay.

Relaxy Saturday

It’s usually pretty slow at my bookstore on a Saturday morning. I’ve grown accustomed to sipping coffee and catching up all of my internets. I do the usual slough, Facebook, news, Tumblr, comics, and then resist the urge to watch “Midsomer Murders” on my phone.

It’s such a teeny store, a niche market for sure, but the subject matter is still quite foreign to me. I was never raised with Christianity but here I am recommending books for Confirmation gifts — nothing too dogmatic, not complicated writing, friendly, etc.

It’s a teeny place in terms of square feet, too, but we are jam packed with texts! I had to draw myself a little map of all the sections (Church History, Monastic Studies, Theology, Justice & Peace and so on). It’s nice to feel like I’ve gotten familiar enough to suggest things and point people in the right direction. I guess it’s as close as I will ever get to being a librarian, har har. My new responsibility is to input books into the inventory which I find to be really fun (nerd alert!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time to Pack the Boxes

Well, it looks like the hubs and I are going to have to move. Sigh. Our landlord has decided to raise our rent, which, after five years I can’t speak a word against. He is a very sweet guy and although its a little sad it may be time.

It’s harder for James than it is for me. This was his “first place”. His bachelor pad straight out of college. It’s where he came home after his first day teaching, not just subbing anymore, the first day of his career. It’s where he checked the internet for dates and left, hoping to meet the girl he would marry. It’s the house he slumped back to when he <I>did</I> meet his future wife - who, at the time had a boyfriend. Across the street, and visible from the front window, is where we had our first kiss. It’s the house I moved into and he lived with a girl for the first time. It’s where we came home after our wedding. It is, our first home, as much as a rental can be.

I’ve moved so often in my life that it’s like water off a duck’s back. In the last seven years I have lived in five places in this neighborhood alone! The only really difficult aspect of leaving our house is memories of my Dad. The last time I saw him before the second stroke was when he came to my birthday party last year. There is one little spot in my living room where I picture him sitting, talking to the dog and I still dissolves into tears.

But, it’s time to start fresh and new. We are newlyweds, afterall, this is part and parcel I guess. And now I get to envision other floor plans and kitchen organizing — everyone knows how much I hate that!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Too Old

I’m planning my own “retirement” party. I have been working in the same cafe for 8½ years. I was getting exhausted and burned out anyway, and when I lost my father, had the store sold on a day to a new guy, got pregnant, lost the baby and then got married, I figured it’s time.

My last day is slated to be on “Star Wars Day” (May 4) and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am. I’m ready to move on in more ways than I can say!