Thursday, July 25, 2013

Orientation Express

Look, I thought I was supposed to
be getting a change of scenery.
But so far, I've been in a train and a room,
and a car and a room,
and a room and a room. 
On Tuesday I had orientation for the first semester at Towson. I was expecting to be bored stiff and wind up cranky like Paul's grandfather in A Hard Day's Night, but, to my surprise, it was informative and only got a little leg cramp while sitting there for a few hours. I got to meet my advisor (which was luck of the draw more than anything) as she was on hand to help us enroll in our courses. I can tell it's a good match, I got a really good first impression that I can hope is two-sided. I'm always impressed by someone else who does their homework before a meeting. Whereas I had already peered around the TU website and looked up several courses (also getting permission from the powers that be to enroll in them) she reviewed my transcript and put me at ease about Core Requirements and had a sheet ready for me keep. I felt the nerdlove. I am sad to report that I will not be taking A&P this fall. Transfer students cannot register until much later than everyone else to the spots were all gobbled up. That's okay, I'll gobble it up for Spring when I have enrollment priority and my course-load will be lighter so its a better time to take on a tougher course. In it's place I will be taking DFST 104 which is American Sign Language (I).

Now I'm rearing to go and absolutely ready for fall weather and last night it came, I felt like a powerful wizard. Much like when I was a kid, come August I was ready to buy pencils and books and get my butt into the classroom. But for the next few weeks (classes start the last week of August) I can get ready with meal plans and fruit leather recipes to make the transition easier. James and I both get to sleep in late right now, moreso myself than he, but we'll be waking with the sun soon enough!

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