Friday, May 31, 2013

School's Out For Summer!

Poor little blog. I abandoned it like a big jerk. To be fair, I was working pretty hard in my classes. School wrapped up two weeks ago today. I'm free! It was such a great feeling to walk off of the community college campus and know I'd never be back there. I started in 2007 so it's a long time coming! School's out forever (at least that particular school) so here is some Alice Cooper and Muppets to celebrate:

This last semester I took Biology for Health majors. As you may know I took Biology for Non-Health majors a few years ago when I was still studying to be a teacher. I can now say with authority that there is quite a difference between the two (which, of course, makes sense!) I knew this class was supposed to be tough, students only spoke of it in hushed tones, but on the first day I was informed Bio 110 has  forty percent pass rate. Gulp. 60% of students fail the class. Wow. Talk about scary, huh?

These were my cards for the whole semester. 

But after weeks of toil I was rewarded:

And I've submitted my application to the Speech-Language program at TU. It is a pre-screened major and a cohort program so they only accept a certain number of students each Fall. The decision is based upon GPA and the grades received in five pre-req courses. My GPA is 3.66 (I wish it was a teeny bit higher but James think I'm crazy) and I have 4 As and 1 B in the pre-reqs. This should make me a good candidate but I don't want to count my chickens...

James' school year is almost finished, also. He is in exam review mode right now and has no more new material to teach. He has a summer job working for the school system and he's really excited about it. I;m gonna be a little lonely this summer while he's working but the house will never be cleaner or more organized I expect!

And that means I might remember to blog about all the fun stuff. The bottom floor is really coming together and I'm excited to show you all in the next few weeks!

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