Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Office Maximum Theory

One room in the house has not had a lot of time devoted to it and that is our home office. With all the major living areas this room has been on the back burner despite the fact that this room will serve many more functions than most.

James is just finishing up teaching and the last thing he'll want to do think about it work.
Houseguests are going to be roaming the downstairs and the office is out of sight, out of mind area

If we nail it down now, come fall when we're both back in class, we will have a functioning space with most of the bugs worked out.
Being able to easily file new house hold documents means we don't immediately fall behind this summer
Lola really likes the room so we get to spend more time with her (Chloe is non-plussed about it)

I think the Pros have it. But to be completely honest the main reason I started in on this room yesterday was because a friend wanted to use my laminating machine.

A quick note about the laminating machine: It's one of those things that I have always wanted — ever since I was a kid. The same is true of an overhead projector. I used to play school as a kid and imagined projecting and laminating. I also used to pretend to own a stationary store which probably says a lot about me. So, do I do a whole lot of laminating? No, not yet. I have a lot of plans for when we have kids though. There are some projects that the laminating machine will be ideal but that's a different day.

 I was so embarrassed by the large stacks of boxes, milk crates and detritus that I ran upstairs and started tidying. Luckily, I made my first trip to the Container Store on Monday (!!) and had some new pieces to help me organize and pull the room together. I absolutely lurved that store, by the by. I feel a little bad about talking up a big box store but it's the truth, it was really fun and nerdy times were had by my mom and I. I picked up a few items there, carefully restraining myself for both budget and necessity of items  ("Do I really need this incredibly attractive organizer that in no way reflects my lifestyle outside of the design aesthetic?"). I did, however pick up these gems:

This guy was being discontinued so instead of being 24.99 it was only $11.57. I saved more than I spent, $14.42! Also, note the autographed Tom Baker photo beside it! (My best friend gave it to me a few years back and I love it!)

I store copier/printer paper in plain white and my laminating sheets. We have orange 8.5x11" and 1" grid 8.5x11" paper as well, but I store them separately (see below).

This dude jumped right out at me because I love the aesthetic of International Symbols. I have a love of airport signs and transit maps which will begin to show later on as I talk more of my office. I couldn't decide between this one and it's brother. More often than not I have recycling to get rid of in here and not trash, but since these cans are only  $4.99 I will probably go back and get the other to designate as a trash can and keep this guy as recycling. (Recycling day is tomorrow which is why the can is so full, PS.)

I store the other paper types in the black magazine file. Next to it is our Household Binder and and Instruction Manual Binder. Of course these seem very boring compared to the GIANT TARDIS behind it! Another Doctor Who gift, this time from our former roommate. 

Our office is going to fulfill numerous tasks (including allowing us to perform ours).
  • Store files and paperwork
  • Store supplies and house electronics
  • Be a home for my art supplies and occasionally fill in as a studio
  • Display some of our favorite collections (particularly Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Orioles memorabilia)
That's a lot for one one small room in a rowhouse but I think with enough planning and patience we can knock it out. 

So, the Expedit in front of the Tardis is the "File, Print, Laminate" station. Next to it is the "Design, Code, & Typography, Photo Storage and Stationary/Mailing Supplies" Station. It is temporarily home to my Star Trek books (many of which were a gift from a best friend as well, I'm pretty lucky in the nerd friend department!)

That small bag that seems out of place is my set of D&D dice.

Along the other walls we will house my Art Supplies as well as James' Teaching supplies (textbooks, portfolios, etc.) This will also leave us with spaces for his Orioles collection. I suppose it will be one wall of his belongings and one wall of mine, hmm! We've never shared an office space before. The other office was rarely used and primarily mine. But now we're married and sharing is what you're supposed to do, right?

I may even use my wall to house my Tolkien collection which has not been unpacked yet because it needs to be just right. Perfectionism is incredibly debilitating.

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